Where do our applicants come from?
As PANGEA is an international master’s degree, students come from all around the world. Origin does not determine if you will enter the master or not, your grades and your motivation do. Each student has something to bring to the others and that is why it is important for PANGEA to have students from different backgrounds and achieve some parity.
Applicants from the first cohort
Applicants from the second cohort
What changed?
- From the map that shows us the origin of candidates of the master during the year 2019-2020, we can observe 3 great geographical areas regrouping most of the candidatures. First, there is Pakistan with 10 candidatures, then countries from the Guinea Gulf in Africa regrouping together 14 candidatures and finally countries from Latin America like Brazil. From Europe to the Middle East, candidatures are scattered and numerous and we can observe a homogeneous cloud of points going from Great Britain to Iran. A little cloud also exists in the Indo-Pacific area
- During the year 2020-2021, candidatures are still numerous in west Asia and in the Guinea Gulf. There are 11 coming from Nigeria, 9 from Pakistan, 4 from India and 2 from Ghana. Candidatures coming from South America lowered slightly. In the United States, however, they have increased. Outside of these countries, in Europe, Middle East and West Africa, candidatures remain numerous and homogeneous. Outside of Japan, no candidatures were received from East Asia.