The Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Paleontology, Geoheritage and Applications – PANGEA – welcomes academic and non academic experts from all over the world to be part of the programme as invited guest lecturers.
Through such invitations, the consortium aims at:
- offering recognised specialists the opportunity to share their own expertise, skills and knowledge with worldwide students enrolled in a European Programme of Excellence,
- giving the Pangea students the benefits of a unique teaching staff extended to worldwide specialists,
- developing partnerships and strengthening the PANGEA network.
Guest lecturers from institutional Partners are also expected to play key roles for promotion and for the sustainability of the Programme.

Guest lecturers can be hosted by any institution of the consortium universities according to the student mobility-track and course catalogue:
- University of Lille (France) for the first and second terms,
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), University of Minho (Portugal), or Uppsala University (Sweden) for the second and third terms.
To find out if you would like to interact with our students on a topic taught at one of the four universities in the consortium, please consult the the Course Catalogue and General information about the programme. Applicants are also free to suggest a specific topic you would like to address, for example, during first term welcoming workshop at Lille University, or as an extra-academic activity at any partner institution.
– Guest lecturers (academic or non-academic experts) are required to teach courses or give seminars in their field of expertise for at least 4 consecutive days at one of the host institutions (including travel time).
– A guest lecturer paid by another EU funding programme (including other Erasmus+ actions) cannot be considered eligible, as each guest lecturer will receive an EMJMD grant from this programme in PalaeoNtology, GEoheritage and Applications.
– The consortium is an employer committed to the principle of equal access to employment. People belonging to minorities and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
– Invited scholars will be requested to hand out a short report on their activities (involvement in teaching, research or quality assessment process).

The lectures or seminar proposals are subject to a selection procedure performed by the PANGEA Academic board. .
Throughout the process, a particular attention will be paid to the following requirements:
- a good command of English (language of instruction in the Master’s programme),
- a high level of expertise (either academic or non-academic) and uniqueness of proposed contribution in regard to the lectures offered by permanent teaching staff and the goals of the programme,
- ability to teach at a high level,
- a demonstrated motivation to participate to the Pangea network,
- Applicants will receive an individual notification of decision. Should a proposal be accepted, the PANGEA Academic Board may suggest changes to a lecture content.
Assistance will be provided to the selected guest-lecturers by the host institution regarding visa formalities, health insurance and accommodation. It will be the responsibility of the invited scholar to complete all visa and other required administrative procedures. Upon arrival, each invited scholar will sign a contract with the Pangea Consortium stating the dates, conditions of the scholar’s participation and his/her financial support.
Individual support offered to selected lecturers are made up of three components.
I. The travel contribution will be calculated according to Erasmus+ distance calculator and related distance bands as below. Distance is calculated as a one-way travel between sending institution and receiving institution.
Distance km | Amount € |
10-99 km | 20€ |
100-499 km | 180€ |
500-1999 km | 275€ |
2000-2999 km | 360€ |
3000-3999 km | 530€ |
4000-7999 km | 820€ |
>8000 km | 1500€ |
II. The contribution to subsistence will depend on the receiving institution.
Receiving Institution | Per Diem € |
Uppsala (Sweden) |
119 €
Athens, Lille, Minho (Greece, France and Portugal) | 106 € |
III. The teaching grant
The teaching grants amount to 75€/ hour of teaching.

If you are an expert in palaeontology or geoheritage and would like to share your knowledge with our PANGEA students, do not hesitate to apply because you will bring added value to the programme!
The first call for applications will open soon! Join us on our different social medias to get all the information you need on time: